MachCloud Calling Plans for Calling in Teams let you chose your optimal calling plan for each user. Either Pay as you Go or Calling Plans with a fixed price. If you exceed your plan, there is no worry as additional minutes will be charged based on usage.
Chose PBX Integration with Microsoft Teams to connect your own PBX and start Calling in Teams based on your existing PBX set-up and extension numbers. No changes in your existing telephone service or migrations needed.
The ideal and flexible remote work solution. Save costs on desk phones and avoid hardware installation for your home workers.
PBX Integration service allows you to keep current PBX settings, call routing and extensions. Save costs on mobile phone subscriptions, allowing employees to keep their personal SIM card and use Microsoft’s Teams app on their personal mobile device.
Incoming calls are automatically re-routed to your fallback (mobile) telephone number in case Microsoft Teams is unavailable.
With MachCloud, data is secure as it does not require any third party, such as an SBC administrator, to access call and personal data.
Direct Routing connection to Microsoft 365 is fully compatible with the Microsoft Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) policy. The password owner in person will login to manage Calling in Teams end-to-end installation, preventing having to share passwords. Passwords information remains in the Microsoft domain and cannot be accessed by unauthorized third parties.
If you call international destinations, you only have to pay for the calls made and not purchase a separate international calling plan. International calls come at low price.
You don't have to purchase a high-volume calling plan if employees have limited calling volume. Employees who make frequent calls on the other hand, can have a low cost calling plan with fixed monthly costs.
Minimize your spending having a real-time overview of your services, usage and costs. One month commitment term allows you to upgrade or downgrade if needed.
Oproepgegevens en persoonlijke gegevens zijn niet toegankelijk voor onbevoegde derden
If you want an extra Microsoft license for an employee quickly, just select and activate in the MachCloud Portal within minutes.
The MachCloud Portal allows you to manage services that would otherwise require external expertise. Are you unable to solve an issue? Our Customer Support is ready to serve you. We provide trainings for high demanding customers too.
Not only manage telephony services, purchase licenses and activate Microsoft new users in real time. Services are activated without delay.
There is no need to purchase an SBC or SBC-based Direct Routing service.
The connection between the telephony platform and Microsoft Cloud is end to end encrypted, in contrast to SBC based connections.
No public cloud is used in MachCloud’s service, unlike telecom resellers and SBC providers who are hosted in a public cloud. Public cloud can compromise confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. Avoid legal implications and risks having data stored off-shore.
MachCloud certified telecommunications platform meets telephony regulations requirements.
Portal based telephone management allowing destination filters per employee. Limit call usage to prevent abuse.
Geographic redundancy and backup routing guarantee calls are re-routing if needed.
The audio quality of calls is optimal because the traffic does not take a detour via an SBC or third-party service.
Incoming call queue call data is clearly displayed on the Teams app on PC or Mobile device. Now everyone, even in remote working locations, knows whether a call is intended for the sales or support department.
Microsoft has opted to always have the Teams connection (Direct Routing) with the telecom network via a certified Session Border Controller (SBC) of a third party. MachCloud deviates from this. MachCloud offers telecommunication services based on the latest technologies in combination with the highest security standards. MachCloud has incorporated the Teams connection (Direct Routing) within the telecom network, which eliminates the additional costs for SBC licenses and additional SBC management. This means lower costs for our customers. MachCloud also remains impartial towards Microsoft. By being impartial, MachCloud can always choose the best solution for the customer.